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second grade green tea
second grade green tea
second grade green tea
second grade green tea
second grade green tea
second grade green tea
  • second grade green tea
  • second grade green tea
  • second grade green tea
  • second grade green tea
  • second grade green tea
  • second grade green tea


Product   name Second grade green tea
Grade Second grade
Net  content 200g/bag
Tea producing area Rizhao , shandong
Tea ingredients Buds/fresh leaves,one bud and three leaves
Workmanship Stir fry
Shelf  life 540 days
Storage method Low temperature, sealed, odor proof, avoid s unlight


Second   grade green tea requires one bud and two leaves to one bud and three leaves. During the period from the beginning of summer to the summer solstice, Rizhao Green Tea continues to accelerate its growth rate and occupies a large share in the market. However, because Rizhao area is located in the remaining vein of Yimeng Mountain and the coast of the Yellow Sea, the temperature difference between day and night is large, Rizhao Green tea is still a high-quality product at this time, and the price is obviously easier to be accepted by the public, From the beginning of autumn to the White Dew season, the temperature difference between day and night in the sunshine area began to increase, and the quality of tea was also very good.